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Snacks for any moment

The strong desire to eat a certain food is called craving. Learn below how to deal with it effectively From the nutritionist - dietician, Tonia Kouka
Snacks for any moment

Some of the most common tastes that we often resort to in such cases are either very sweet, very salty or fatty tastes such as: chocolate, potato chips, cheese, etc. A craving is the result of a combination of various factors such as the emotional condition of the person, a hormonal imbalance, lack of sleep, a nutritional deficiency etc. A craving can occur at any time and usually is not the result of hunger. Repeated consumption of certain foods that stimulate the reward area in our brain (hypothalamus) is believed by some researchers to lead to addictive dietary behaviors or emotional overeating. The causes of a craving may be triggered by various factors. However, it’s possible if someone is really aware of what leads them to this, they may be able to manage and reduce it. A food craving is sometimes a learned behaviour that relates to an event or a specific environment, such as a craving for chips while watching TV late at night.

Try other activities that produce dopamine like taking a walk in nature on a sunny day, dancing, or watching a funny video and laughing out loud. Eat without distractions!!

Eating without distractions, such as avoiding being in front of the computer or watching TV, is another way to perceive and keep track of what you eat. Also, try eating sitting down and without being distracted by anything else during this time. This allows you to be more aware of the quality of your food portion and to have better control. Resisting a food craving is important if you're trying to lose weight or improve health indicators such as blood pressure or cholesterol. But, if you're relatively healthy and have a healthy weight, do not hesitate to indulge from time to time if you intend to do so. Instead of fighting that craving (and probably feeling unhappy in the process), you can give in to it—and enjoy every bite.

Why? Because allowing yourself to indulge in a treat from time to time will help you maintain your health in the long term. Just eat what you crave and really enjoy it!! In this way, you will feel satisfied and won't need to return for more snacks later. It is important to have a proper and balanced diet in order to prevent cravings, but this does not mean that it is forbidden to snack in our daily lives. Food is not only necessary, but is also a pleasure. However, if cravings are a big part of someone's daily life that negatively affect their body weight or overall health, it would be beneficial to seek a dietitian for personalised help.